I spent the weekend on the Cooley Peninsula, a beautiful spot where magnificent mountains overlook Carlingford Lough. The sun shone and the sea sparkled and I was there to think about a new book set in the area. How can I include Queen Meabh, the Tain and the Brown Bull in a story set in today´s world? Other more pressing matters had to be dealt with, though, like where to park the camper van when Carlingford had not a single parking space to spare. I ended up in O´Meath in a car park at the very front of the lough with views over the water to the Mourne Mountains and a very handy mobile fish and chip van which provided a delicious evening meal. There were plenty of places to walk Juno, my young standard poodle. We wandered along the green way, by the side of the lough and away from the traffic, back into Carlingford. Luckily Juno loves the camper van and is perfectly at home in it as long as I remember to bring her bed, her favourite toy monkey and at least one tennis ball. I had forgotten how real a presence the mountains are on the Cooley Peninsula. They tower close to the road, menacing in their physicality. They definitely have to feature very strongly in the new story.

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